February 6, 2012

On the first mild weekend without Facebook...

You all, I am writing this from my iPhone because my "beautiful" 2005 PowerBook will no longer turn on.

Anyway, it's been a cool as a cucumber type Facebook-less weekend though I spent more money than usual, probs in direct result to being more social. Sad but mildly true.

Saturday, I had a mild girl breakfast alone in Venice...where I kept myself preoccupied with a psychology book. One of many I've been reading purely to try and get grasp on why people (including my mild self) act or don't act the way they do. Mildly absorbing.

I met up with a friend about adapting her short story into an animated film. Mildly exciting.

Then I went shopping where I didn't buy this dress:

Even though I looked mildly foxy in it if I do say so myself.

But I did buy these guys:

Um sexy peel soap, it's raining men body wash and ex-factor bath bomb. No big valentines for one deal.

Had dinner at the nickel diner where everyone I was with ordered the healthy-ish soup and salad and I went for it with my crazy chicken and stuffing. Mildly not ashamed to eat like I love food in public.

And now I must admit its mildly too hard to keep typing this on my phone so...see you tomorrow from a larger keypad hopefully.

Do unto mildness as mildness does to you,

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